Our Reviews
Gemma AtkinsonĀ on Hatch Athletic
Happy Hatch Athletes
Meet Deanna
Meet Lorna
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Games Athlete Lauren Brooks on Hatch Athletic

"Very happy that I decided to make this investment in my health and cannot wait to spread the word of this wonderful program!"
- Gretchen Murray, CrossFit Spring Hill, USA

"This program is ideal for any CrossFitting mother who considers herself an athlete! This isn't your usual wishy-washy program... this is structured and challenging, leading you back towards where you were pre-baby. This is exactly what the market was missing for CrossFit athletes."
- Rhiannon Starling, CrossFit Llanelli Affiliate Co-Owner, Wales

"Thank you for designing a programme that kept my attention for 12 weeks! There were days were it was hard to be motivated after little sleep but I’m so glad I did. The programme is brilliant, I loved the fact the structure was the same but there were incremental increases every week. I would absolutely recommend it to any mumma’s out there. I have been already telling people about it!"
- Penny Moore, London, UK

"I'm convinced this is the first step on the way back to regular CrossFit program, classes or even the competition floor."
-Ursula Fasel, CrossFit Games Athlete 2017 & 2019, Switzerland

"Hatch was my anchor... from week to week I felt stronger and more confident to squat and lift, and felt a better connection to my abs and pelvic floor (I would say even better than before pregnancy). I also learnt a lot about mindset. I definitely recommend Hatch! Give it a go!"
- Laura Naußbaum, CrossFit Bergisch, Germany

"Hatch Athletic is the best postpartum program! The programming is so easy to follow ... I had a lot of confusion and uncertainty as to what movements I should jump back into, how ‘hard’ I should go in a workout. Hatch takes the guess work out and truly focuses on postpartum recovery to be STRONGER than ever!"
- Liz Cholhan, CrossFit Minerstown, USA

"I would definitely recommend Hatch Athletic. The program really highlights Kat's unique experience and expertise as an athlete, physio and mum. Importantly, I have found it easy to fit the sessions into my week and it's building my confidence returning to exercise. Whilst it's a gradual program, the benefits for both my physical and mental health have been notable since Week 1."
- Lorna Taylor, Blitz CrossFit, UK

"When I came across Hatch it was a no-brainer... I'm now 5 months postpartum, have recently finished Hatch and am amazed at how far I've come. I cannot recommend Hatch enough! I wouldn't be where I am now both physically and mentally without it. Thanks Kat!"
- Caly O'Hara, CrossFit 470, South Wales

Hatch made me to take a step back and really concentrate on building a foundation again. Using the online portal was simple to follow with instructional videos, and there was even a rewards section at the end of each session to get a sweat on! As hard as it was to strip everything back and get back to basics when all I wanted to do was grab that barbell, it has ultimately made me a stronger athlete in the process."
- Lynsie Miller, CrossFit 1298, UK

"I’ve never felt more confident in getting back to the CrossFit workouts I was doing prior to pregnancy. Hatch is a work of art when it comes to postpartum programming."
- Monica Cipollo, Massachusetts, USA

"After pregnancy I was desperate to get back to training. I had heard horror stories of women wetting themselves every time they ran or jumped and didn’t want to be in this boat - I love a double under! The problem was, I had no idea how to build back up. That's when I found Hatch! I really enjoyed the workouts and am very happy to say there has been no leaking! I completely trust Kat and the Hatch program. I will definitely be doing it again if and when we have any more children."
- Liv Phillips, CrossFit Tonbridge, UK

"The structure works really well with having a new bub. Following the program has helped me to gain control of my body again after pregnancy and c-section and means I can safely look to the future. It's given me focus and made me feel empowered at a time when I have very little opportunity to think of anything else other than my baby."
- Corinna Lincoln, Peak District, UK
Healthcare Approval
Hatch has been rigorously tested and approved by healthcare professionals around the world

Eliza Bernardi B.App.Sci
Women's Health Physiotherapist, The Physiotherapy Clinic, Australia
I’m a Women’s Health Physiotherapist who works with a very fit and athletic population. I love how Hatch bridges the gap for those women who know how to move their bodies. I also love the week by week guide, as it is often the case that I'm needing to rein my women back, particularly those high performers that want to push. Hatch sensibly does it for me in a well thought out progressive program. But it's not just the exercises, it's the access to all of the other add-ons like the focus on postpartum mental health which is so, SO important.

Niamh Burn BSC MHCPC
Womens Health Physiotherapist, Fix London, UK
"The Hatch Athletic program really fills a void that was there for many postnatal women who needed a stepping stone between pregnancy and getting back into high level exercise. I love the fact that in combination with carefully selected exercises and mindful progression, any woman can take that plunge more confidently and get back to the training they love."

Sophie Lax BSc (Hons)
Women's & Pelvic Health Physiotherapist & Co-owner of Unity Studios, New Zealand
Hatch is a comprehensive programme for new mums to safely return to exercise after having a baby. As a physio specialising in pre and postnatal rehab, I see women for postnatal checks to give them the all clear before returning to exercise. The CrossFit mammas are always eager to get back in the gym but returning to strength training too quickly can result in lifelong problems like prolapse. Kat's programme is invaluable! I send all my CrossFit mums to her. With a background in physio and CrossFit, and first hand experience of the postpartum process, she is the best person to safely guide athletic women back into exercise.

Tracey Matthews BSc MCSP HCPC MPOGP
MSK and Women's Health Physiotherapist, Kane Physiotherapy, UK
Hatch Athletic is a breath of fresh air compared to other postpartum training programs. It’s developed for those who have trained in high level sport not just CrossFit. It’s a very clear and concise graduated guide to return to high level fitness. They have worked closely with women’s health physiotherapists to develop an outstanding program for athletic mums. I wish it had been out when I had my son.

Dr Jane Muir BSBM
CrossFit Athlete and Doctor, Australia
"Hatch Athletic is unique in its holistic approach in that whilst it physically rehabilitates athletic women after the stress of pregnancy and birth, it also teaches women to come to terms with and embrace the inevitable changes to our postpartum bodies."

Katharina Schaps BSc MCSP MPhysio (Manip)
Senior MSK and Sports Physiotherapist, BUPA, UK
Hatch Athletic is a great guide for any new CrossFit mum! The programme incorporates graded exercises for retraining of pelvic floor and core muscles that are safe and easy to follow throughout the 12 week plan. All it takes is patience and regular practice. I would recommend it without a doubt!

Dr Brandi Cole
Sport and Exercise Physician & Owner of Shire Sports Medicine, NSW, Australia
This program is a wonderful resource for any female wishing to start or return to weightlifting, CrossFit or functional fitness after having a baby. The app is easy to follow, the program is well written and the demonstrations and advice are spot on. I’ll definitely be recommending this program to all my pregnant patients to help with their return to activity after their baby.

Marni Cochrane BSC MHCPC
MSK & Womens Health Physiotherapist, Marni Cochrane Physiotherapy, UK
This is a great program for post-partum mums who want to return to both a basic level of fitness as well as a return to high level sport. No matter how fit you were pre-natal the basics are important to reinforce and Kat does this brilliantly using her experience as a physiotherapist as well as a new mum. She addresses breathing techniques and relaxation of the pelvic floor and how to use these during muscles during the exercises. The movements she reinforces are functional and, importantly, easily replicable in the home environment. Even mums who have been diagnosed with a prolapse or a diastasic rectus would be able to complete this program PROVIDING you have sought consent from your women's health physiotherapist / medical consultant.

Lucy Hughes BA Hons MCSP MHCPC
Clinical Director, Abbey View Physiotherapy, UK

Wendy Casterton BSc Hons
Senior Physiotherapist, In Touch Physiotherapy, Singapore

Thank You
Thank you to the following women's health physiotherapists who have been part of collaboration in building this thing.Ā
Lori Forner, Emma Brockwell, Margi Davenport, Clare Bourne, Tracey Matthews, Madison Cutmore, and thanks also to Jolene Murdoch, Eliza Bernadi and Tamara Woods who taught me much of what I know.